Good reads from a ghastly year: Check out our most popular content

Sharing knowledge and data about the partnership channel is part of our mission here at Impact, so we put out a lot of content throughout the year to help our audiences understand the ecosystem and optimize partnership ROI. From commissioned research to a slew of great infographics, you’ll find an entire library of content on […]

Laura Dobbins
Laura Dobbins
Director of Content Marketing

Sharing knowledge and data about the partnership channel is part of our mission here at Impact, so we put out a lot of content throughout the year to help our audiences understand the ecosystem and optimize partnership ROI. From commissioned research to a slew of great infographics, you’ll find an entire library of content on partnerships and partnership management on our website and social channels. 

So, what were Impact’s audiences into in 2020? We took a look at the data to uncover our five most popular reads. Here are the top 5! 

5. Infographic: Influencer partnerships — how to manage the full life cycle 

With influencer marketing hotter than ever, it’s no surprise that this cheat sheet was one of our top reads in 2020. From discovery to ongoing engagement, the infographic spells out the key steps to building and maintaining successful influencer relationships. We like to picture it pinned up on home workspace walls everywhere — right next to your kiddo’s crayon masterpieces 😉

4. eBook: Navigating partnerships in a crisis 

During the pandemic chaos of 2020, partnership professionals were looking for advice on how to protect their partnership investments. In this guide, we put together some do’s, don’ts, and smart tips for partnership resilience and survival.

3. Video: Partnership channel opportunity 

Got 90 seconds? This excellent video lays out the powerful business case for partnerships in about the time it takes to toast a bagel. If you’re trying to get your C-suite execs on board with partnerships, start here.

2. Research report: Smooth your partnership journey by learning from high-maturity companies

Forrester Consulting analyzed the tactical differences between the best and the rest in this study commissioned by Impact. In addition to exploring the characteristics of the most mature partnership programs, the study also makes actionable recommendations, including 7 tips every partnership professionals can put into practice now.

1. eBook: What’s the channel hotter than paid search? 

It took place right under our noses. In a growing number of organizations, the partnership channel has quietly surpassed paid search as the biggest revenue breadwinner. In retail in particular, brands are finding that the partnership channel is the biggest driver of new customers with the lowest customer acquisition costs. This report outlines the data and trends behind this surprising shift.

Career tips, too!

Partnerships as a career is still kind of a new thing, and because we work with top pros every day, we have a unique perspective on career paths in partnerships.

In our library, you can find content for any career stage, whether you’re just expanding beyond affiliates or you’re the next Chief Partnerships Officer. Our eBook, How to accelerate your career in partnerships, was a particular hit in 2020. 

Bring us your ideas

Is there a partnerships topic you’d like to see addressed by our experts? Our content team would love to hear from you. Or if you have an inspiring partnership story to share, we might just feature it across our channels — reach out to

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