How SharkNinja swept up a 30% channel revenue increase with

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Watch the SharkNinja partnership success story and discover how this pioneer in home appliance innovation changed its growth strategy with Facing challenges such as tight margins, a stagnant affiliate program, and ineffective partnership management, SharkNinja needed a breakthrough—and found it with’s cutting-edge technology.

  • Intuitive AI, automated Discovery features, and Dynamic Payouts helped identify and reward the best-fit partners across the marketing funnel, expanding reach.
  • Proactive messaging tools kept partners informed and productive.
  • The Optimize reporting suite shed light on performance metrics and growth opportunities that were previously unseen.

The results speak for themselves: over 900 new partners joined forces with SharkNinja, leading to an impressive 30% quarter-over-quarter growth in channel revenue.

This video celebrates SharkNinja’s journey from facing industry challenges to achieving remarkable success with the right partnership management platform.

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