Put the customer experience first: Creating brand-to-brand partnerships based on authenticity and transparency

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Your customers’ experience and trust is your most valuable asset. In this video, David. A. Yovanno, impact.com’s CEO, sits down with Kayla Castro, Avocado Green Brands’ Director of Affiliates and Strategic Collaboration as they discuss how leading businesses approach brand-to-brand partnerships to maintain trust with their core audiences and create a better customer experience.

Watch this session to learn:

  • Why B2B partnerships should be part of your partnership program
  • How brands are harnessing B2B partnerships to drive growth
  • How to get started in B2B partnerships, who to reach out to, and what to look for in brands
  • How B2B partnerships differ from other customer acquisition channels like search, display, affiliate, influencers and more

Learn how to optimize your customer experience through authenticity and transparency in this session.

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