14 Things to Ask When Looking For a Verification Partner [eBook]

The text promotes an eBook guiding the selection of fraud detection and viewability solutions in digital advertising, focusing on evaluating vendors for their commitment to fraud prevention, expertise, and education.

Things to Ask
Jaime Singson
Jaime Singson
Senior Director of Product and Content Marketing Manager
Read time: 2 mins

Whether you’re on the supply side or the buy side, concerns about ad fraud, brand safety, and viewability are ever-present in the digital advertising ecosystem. You’ll need help navigating these concerns and identifying the right partners to work with. Download our eBook 14 Things to Ask when Looking for a Verification Partner to learn the right questions to ask when evaluating and selecting a fraud detection and viewability solution.

While digital ad spend continues to grow, the ecosystem continues to contend with ad spend lost to fraud.  Forensiq’s eBook arms you with the right questions to ask when evaluating vendors. For example, are they truly fraud-first and full-funnel fraud specialists? And are their viewability measurements based on valid human traffic and not invalid or automated traffic? Can they accurately measure true human viewability, and not just traditional viewability. Can they expose the environments that are being spoofed? And how do they use machine learning and big data techniques to expose fraud?

Our eBook will help you become more comfortable with the level of commitment your vendor has in the fraud battle. You need to ask the right questions about vendors’ history, resource allocation, and expertise in the fraud arena. You’ll want to feel confident that fighting fraud is a top priority and not simply a side project for them

In the end, it’s not just about finding the right vendor, but the right partner. Beyond technical expertise and know-how, you’ll learn to assess providers based on your perception of their ability to continuously educate you on the intricacies of fraud prevention and help you optimize traffic.

Whether you’re a supply-side player intent on keeping the bad actors out of your traffic, or a buy-side player interested in upping your game, use this go-to guide to help you get a 360-view of the impression fraud detection solutions you’re considering.

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