How to build a successful B2B affiliate marketing program: Tips from industry experts

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A well-planned affiliate marketing strategy substantially increases revenue, brand awareness, and consumer trust. But, planning it from start to finish, followed up by rigorous testing—that can be a huge challenge for B2B brands, agencies, and publishers.

Matt Moore, Associate Manager of Product Marketing from the team breaks down how to achieve B2B affiliate marketing success during this candid conversation on the Cloud Software Association’s podcast.

Matt interviewed Industry experts Keemia Ferasat (Manager of Global Affiliate Marketing & Partnerships at Microsoft 365), Tye DeGrange (CEO of Round Barn Labs), and Zoe Mackay (Strategic Partnership Manager at Technology Advice).

They discussed:

  • How to make educational content tailored for B2B affiliate marketing.
  • How brands, agencies, and affiliates can use the full-funnel approach to gain both brand awareness and generate revenue.
  • How affiliate platforms streamline the relationship between affiliates and brands
  • The top KPIs to measure for success
  • The growing value of B2B affiliate partnerships

Whether you’re a brand, publisher (affiliate), or agency, learn more about the affiliate process and how you can succeed with partnerships.

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