Season 1 | Episode 2

Top strategies for building customer advocacy with guest Rebecca Kapler

Episode 2 featuring Rebecca Kapler, showcasing her insights and experiences in a captivating discussion.

Wondering how to build a customer advocacy program in your organization?

To help, we invited Rebecca Kapler to join us as a special guest on the show. Rebecca is the Marketing Manager at Jobber—an award-winning business management software for small home service businesses. She has led many successful customer advocacy programs that have directly contributed to Jobber’s explosive growth over the last few years.

In this episode, Will chats with Rebecca to understand how she leverages these customer advocacy programs to build strong customer advocacy, why it’s important, and how it contributes to Jobber’s continued success. Rebecca shares tips for anyone new to building a customer advocacy program in their organization, what to keep in mind when planning your 2022 marketing strategy, and more!

Listen to the full episode or keep reading to learn our favorite takeaways from the episode that will help elevate your customer advocacy strategy.

Tips for Building Customer Advocacy

Communicate with your customers!

When it comes to building customer advocacy and creating a referral-worthy product or service, it’s important to understand the needs of your customers so you can better engage them with relevant and desirable products and offerings. While it’s tempting to make assumptions about your audience, no one knows your customers better than your customers! Rebecca highlights the importance of actively communicating with your customers to eliminate the guesswork and be confident that your selected initiatives will make a difference. Even a quick 15-minute call with 3 to 5 of your customers can go a long way.

Leverage your connections

While conversations around customer advocacy and customer marketing are quickly gaining traction, they are still relatively new topics in the marketing world. This means you may not find a step-by-step handbook on how to build a customer advocacy program with years of data and proven research to back it up. Rebecca notes the importance of reaching out to connections—both inside and outside your company—to gain different perspectives and ideas to help you.

Scale when you can

While there is certainly a time and place for personalized, non-scalable interactions with customers, Rebecca reminds us that too much manual work will prevent you from scaling effectively.

Advice for 2022

With the new year less than two months away, it’s time to start thinking about your marketing strategy for 2022. We asked Rebecca what insights she has to help with planning for the new year and making it a successful one for both your brand and your customers. She shared two valuable tips:

Don’t underestimate the power of customer advocacy.
Customer advocacy is something everyone in your organization can play a role in.

Want to know more?
To hear even more insights from Rebecca, listen to the full episode! Special thanks to Rebecca Kapler for being on the show!
Connect with Rebecca
Check out Jobber

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