Season 1 | Episode 5

How to get buy-in for your customer advocacy program

Episode 5 features Jon Ashley discussing key topics on The Advocate Channel, highlighting important advocacy issues.

Wondering how to get started with a customer advocacy program in your organization?

Whether you’re a marketer, product manager, or growth leader eager to bring customer advocacy projects to your 2022 strategy, it can be difficult to understand how to get started and earn support from the rest of your team. This is why we’re excited to welcome Jon Ashley to The Advocacy Channel. With over 20 years of experience developing customer advocacy programs for large companies in the UK, Jon brings a wealth of valuable knowledge and advice when it comes to kicking off a customer advocacy project.

In our final episode before the New Year, Jon and host Will Fraser break down how you can get company buy-in for your customer advocacy program, how to set realistic expectations and goals, and what to consider for the best results.

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