Scott Brinker: 5 Disruptions Changing Marketing As We Know It

Back in 2011, Scott Brinker put together the first version of his MarTech landscape, trying to make the case to more and more marketing executives that they needed to have people who understand marketing technology, as an integral part of their team. At that time, there were 150 companies on the slide. Scott shared that […]

scott brinker impact growth
Kathryn Astbury
Kathryn Astbury
Senior Director of Marketing

Back in 2011, Scott Brinker put together the first version of his MarTech landscape, trying to make the case to more and more marketing executives that they needed to have people who understand marketing technology, as an integral part of their team. At that time, there were 150 companies on the slide. Scott shared that the reaction then was “Oh my god, 150 marketing technology companies, how will we ever keep track of them all?” Fast forward 7 years later to today, even with aggressive consolidation in the MarTech industry, that landscape has grown to nearly 7,000 companies. And he admits that his landscape doesn’t even include everyone.

Scott poses the question, “why is there’s so much explosion in marketing technology?” and then explains that one key reason is “that the scope, the boundaries of what we think of as marketing are expanding very rapidly, and this creates so many opportunities to be able to integrate and harmonize data and processes from across the entire organization.”

This leads us into the “meat” of the opening Keynote at Impact Growth,

5 Disruptions Changing Marketing As We Know It

  1. Digital Transformation
  2. Microservices & APIs
  3. Vertical Competition
  4. Digital Everything
  5. Artificial Intelligence

Scott reviews the list one by one giving a thorough explanation that is both informative and entertaining of each disruption and why they are significant to the ecosystem. So what is the biggest challenge Brinker thinks everyone in the ecosystem has? And how can marketers not only solve for it but also beat the competition?

To find out, click here to watch Scott Brinker’s full Keynote, “5 Disruptions Changing Marketing As We Know It”

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