Our Employees Have Spoken: Impact Wins Four Awards for Company Culture

Workplace culture and compensation site Comparably just released its 2019 awards highlighting the overall best companies of the year,  and Impact was voted tops by employees in four categories: Best Company Work-Life Balance, Best Professional Development, Best Leadership Teams 2019, and Best Company Outlook 2019. These lists showcase the companies that are keeping their employees […]

Impact wins work culture award | Impact
Cristy Garcia
Cristy Garcia
Chief Marketing Officer

Workplace culture and compensation site Comparably just released its 2019 awards highlighting the overall best companies of the year,  and Impact was voted tops by employees in four categories: Best Company Work-Life Balance, Best Professional Development, Best Leadership Teams 2019, and Best Company Outlook 2019. These lists showcase the companies that are keeping their employees satisfied across businesses large and small, and awards are made yearly to top-performing company cultures based on real feedback from their employees.

Comparably’s mission is to nurture more transparent and rewarding places to work, and their 2019 awards were derived from anonymous ratings provided by employees on Comparably.com between November 19, 2018, and November 19, 2019. The final data set was compiled from nearly 10 million ratings across 50,000 U.S. companies. According to Comparably, employees at Impact are very satisfied with their work experience. 

Of course, it’s great people that make a great company. And we have the best in the business at Impact. To join our award-winning team, check out open positions at Impact locations around the world — see who we’re looking for here.For more insights on why 2019 was such a positive year for Impact, watch this message from our CEO. And reach out any time to grow@impact.com.

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