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How Marketing Technology Is Forever Recasting the CMO Role

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IPA Bellwether: Industry reaction

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TAG Awards Forensiq Industry Certification against both Piracy and Fraud

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As verification services grow, agencies and publishers duel over who pays

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The truth behind the lack of transparency on the tech tax

Byline and article Unveils New York Office on Park Avenue as company continues global expansion

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Stop calling them “affiliates”. They’re your partners. Or at least, they should be.

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Succeed as a Woman in Technology? This Girl Can

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How traffic resellers trip third-party verification filters

Dave Yovanno - CEO, Impact
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One on One: CMOs Need a Marketing Platform of Record

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It’s True, Brand Safety is a Huge Issue, But Don’t Place All the Blame on the Agencies

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How to beat the fraudsters

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Watch: Where are we with Ad Fraud? on fighting fake clicks

Byline and article makes 800,000 affiliates available with new discovery tool

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Forbes: Martech firm appoints new CEO to ‘Step on the Gas’

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Google Removing Third-Party Pixels from YouTube Will Hit Video Strategy Management

Byline and article names Martech vet David Yovanno CEO

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Martech firm appoints new CEO to ‘Step On The Gas’

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