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The Publisher’s Playbook podcast tackles the biggest trends in publishing

Our host, Jerrid Grimm, Head of Publisher Marketing dives into crucial topics affecting publishers today. Each episode cuts through the hype and offers practical advice to help modern publishers navigate the ever-changing landscape of commerce partnerships.

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Logo of "The Publisher's Playbook," featuring a modern design that represents publishing strategies and insights.

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Season 1 Episode 08 – Fewer Delays, More Paydays with Richa Dani

Today, we have a very special guest—my colleague and Director of Partner Growth at impact.com, Richa Dani. Richa’s journey to impact is fascinating, from leading performance marketing at a global agency in Australia to moving to New York and spearheading impact.com’s efforts to help publishers grow their business. This podcast is called The Publisher’s Playbook for a reason, we focus on how publisher’s can not only survive but thrive in the performance and advertising industry. Richa shares how publishers can connect with brands, optimizing their profiles, leverage first-party data, and embrace paid placements. If you’re a publisher looking to get noticed in a crowded marketplace or curious about where the industry is heading, this episode is packed with actionable advice and forward-thinking insights. As a bonus, if you’re a publisher and you want to connect directly with Richa and her team to find out more about the Partner Growth Program, apply now.

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